VP92/VP92+ FREE Embedded Software Features

Access and Update Content Remotely to Play videos, photos and/or audio files or locally from USB or SD

  • Under the “File Play Mode” includes 5 options that function identically and with SFTP and LAN 
  • In Order: Files will be played in alphanumeric order
  • Random: Files will be played at random
  • Schedule: Using a simple text file (sample), loaded with the video, photo, audio files, you can trigger connect to play at specific times on a 7 day calendar
  • Interactive Instant and Delayed: Using one of our interactive devices you can trigger content to be played (instructional video).
    • Instant will interrupt a video to play new video
    • Delayed: the selected video file will play in its entirety 
Play from USD or SD

Play videos, photos and/or audio files from SFTP - See Video Here

The SFTP option will download all files located in the "Folder Path" you designate at an interval of your choosing. Simply select the SFTP option and enter your user name, password, host name, port # and file path. Once "SAVE" is clicked the VP92 will begin downloading your files. Once the first file is downloaded, the content will be looped. Additional files will be added as they are downloaded. In the "Refresh FTP/LAN Content Ever:" box, enter the number in minutes you would like the files refreshed. The VP92 will then check the folder for new files, if one exists, it will be downloaded and played. If a file is removed from the folder, it will then be removed from the player.

Under the “File Play Mode” there are 5 options that will work the same for USB/SD and LAN as well (see top of page for more details)

    Play content from SFTP

    Play videos, photos and/or audio files from LAN

    The LAN option will download all files located in the "LAN Folder Path" you designate at an interval of your choosing. Simply select the LAN option and enter your user name, password, host name, and file path (if your LAN permits "anonymous" connections, then only the folder path is required). Once "SAVE" is clicked the VP92/VP92+ will begin downloading your files. Once the first file is downloaded, the content will be looped. Additional files will be added as they are downloaded. In the "Refresh FTP/LAN Content Ever:" box, enter the number in minutes you would like the files refreshed. The VP92/VP92+ will then check the folder for new files, if one exists, it will be downloaded and played. If a file is removed from the folder, it will then be removed from the player.

    Under the “File Play Mode” there are 5 options that will work the same for USB/SD and SFTP as well (see top of page for more details)

      Play Content From LAN

      Play videos, photos and/or audio files from a WEB file

      The URL option will download 1 file located on any URL you designate at an interval of your choosing. Simply select the URL option and enter the url of a file you would like to download and play. For example: let's say you have a promotional video on your website that you want the VP92/VP92+ to play. You can right click on the video on your web site and choose open link in a new tab. The URL that comes up will be the one you will enter in the "Video URL:" field. When you click "SAVE" this file will be downloaded and then looped. You can decide if you want the player to check for a new file everyday or on a specific day (Monday, Wednesday, Etc) and at what time. If the file is the same, then the original file will keep looping.

      None of the “File Play Modes” are available for the URL option.

        Play File From URL

        Play content from HDMI IN, with an option to trigger video file 

        The HDMI IN mode allows you to play content that is connected to the HDMI IN port to both the HDMI A and B Outputs. You can also trigger the player to switch the HDMI A & B outputs between HDMI IN and a video file that is stored on a SD, USB, SFTP or LAN.

        HDMI IN DEFAULT MODE: In this mode, the video signal outputted to HDMI A and HDMI B can be switched between HDMI IN and video 001.xxx that is loaded on a SD, USB, SFTP or LAN. For Example: The signal from HDMI IN will be shown on HDMI A and B by default. When video trigger 001, 002, 003, etc is received (from a button or motion sensor), that video file will play in its entirety and then default back to HDMI IN.

        VIDEO FILE DEFAULT MODE: In this mode, the HDMI A and B will loop the video file named 000.xxx on your SD, USB, SFTP or LAN. The HDMI IN signal will be sent to HDMI A and B when the 001 trigger is received. The HDMI IN signal will be displayed for the period of time entered above. For Example: The 000.xxx video file will loop by default. When the 001 trigger is received (from a button or motion sensor), the HDMI IN content will play on HDMI A and B for the period of time entered. Once this time expires, the 000.xxx video will loop again.

        TOGGLE MODE: In this mode, the HDMI A and HDMI B output will switch between HDMI IN and the 001.xxx video file that is loaded on the SD, USB, SFTP or LAN. For example: The HDMI A and B will play the content from HDMI IN. Once the 001 trigger is received (from a button or motion sensor), the 001.xxx video will play and LOOP endlessly. When another 001 trigger is received, the outputs will then play the HDMI IN signal and wait for another trigger, then switch back. This mode is basically a toggle switch..

        None of the “File Play Modes” are available for the HDMI IN option.

          HDMI IN Settings

          Play content from YouTube 

          This mode allows you to stream (content is not downloaded) videos from YouTube. You can play and loop a single video, all of the videos on a playlist or all videos from a user uploaded list. In the below example a single video will be streamed. Simple enter the video ID (the text after the = sign) and click save. The file will begin to stream to both of the HDMI Outputs.

          None of the “File Play Modes” are available for the YouTube option.

            VP92/VP92+ Settings - YouTube

            Play content from IPTV 

            This mode allows you to stream (content is not downloaded) videos from any IPTV channel or playlist. Simply enter the Channel URL, Name and Logo, then click save. The IPTV channel will begin to play. You can also enter a playlist and then click PARSE. A list of all the channels available will appear. Simply choose the channel and click SAVE. 

            None of the “File Play Modes” are available for the IPTV option.

              VP92/VP92+ IPTV Settings

              Play Modes for USD, SD, SFTP and LAN 

              Below is a brief description of what each File Playback Mode is capable of. All 5 modes can be used when playing from USB, SD, SFTP, or LAN. Interactive can also be used with our Cloud Service (StudioWeb and StudioPro) but it is controlled through a campaign built in the cloud and requires an additional device to send the commands to the server (I.P. PUSH), not from this settings section.

                Play Mode OptionsIn Order: All the content loaded either on an SD, USB or in a SFTP/LAN folder will be played in alphanumeric order. Once the last file has played, the VP92/VP92+ will automatically begin playing the first file and continue looping all loaded files endlessly.
                Random: This mode functions the same as “In Order” except all the files loaded on the SD/USB or SFTP/LAN folder will loop randomly.
                Interactive Instant and Delayed: These modes would be used if you have an application that requires interactive video triggering using one of our solutions (PUSH, MOVE, WAVE, SENSE, ELEVATE, etc.) or using RS232/TTL. For example: Let's say your application requires a looping video and 3 mechanical buttons that each play a specific video (photo or audio) file when pressed. First you would load 4 videos on your SD/USB or SFTP/LAN folder. These files would need to be labeled 000.mov (mov, mp4, jpg, mp3, etc..), 001.mov, 002.mov and 003.mov. The video file 000.mov represents the video that will loop endlessly until either button 1 (001.mov will play), 2 (002.mov will play) or 3 (003.mov will play) is pressed.
                • Instant Mode: Will trigger a different video, even if the first video has not finished playing. For example: If 3 buttons are available and button 2 is pressed, video 002.mov will begin playing. If button 3 is pressed, then video 002.mov will stop and video 003.mov will instantly play
                • Delayed Mode:  Inputs are ignored until the 1st selected video is done playing.
                Scheduling: This mode would be used if you wish to play specific videos at different times of the day and/or week. The VP92/VP92+ will read a text file  on your USB/SD or SFTP/LAN folder that you create and can edit at any time. The text file must be placed on the same USB/SD or SFTP/LAN Folder that contains the video, photo and/or audio files. For example, if you wanted to play a breakfast menu from 9am to 11am, a lunch menu from 11am, to 3pm, and a dinner menu from 3pm to 11pm you would use this scheduling mode. Once scheduling mode is selected, you simply need to create a text file with start and stop times and load it on the same USB/SD or SFTP/LAN Folder as your video files. A sample play list can be downloaded from our website.

                  Split Screen - Play Different Content on 2 Screens With USB/SD/SFTP/LAN

                  When using the split screen option, you are able to play different content on each screen using USB, SD, SFTP, LAN, YouTube, or IPTV. When using USB, SD, SFTP, or LAN you can also SYNC both screens using your files or the VP92/VP92+ can split videos for you.
                  In this example, we will show you how to play different content (not in SYNC on both screens). The example below shows the USB/SD selection, but the instructions are the same for SFTP or LAN, but instead of the A & B folders being on a USB/SD they will be in your SFTP/LAN Folder.
                  Select "Split Screen", "USB or SD" and "Normal" on the "Play Files In A & B Folders" bar. Next, simply create 2 folders on your USB/SD and name them A and B. Load as many Videos, Photos, or Audio files in each folder. The "A" folder contents will play on the HDMI A Output and Folder B will play on HDMI B. All files will play in alphanumeric order and will auto loop.

                    Split Screen With Different Content Using USB, SD, SFTP or LAN
                    Split Screen - Play Different Content on 2 Screens (IN SYNC) With USB/SD/SFTP/LAN

                    In this example we will show you how to play different content IN SYNC on both screens. The example below shows the USB/SD selection, but the instructions are the same for SFTP or LAN, but instead of the A & B folders being on a USB/SD they will be in your SFTP/LAN Folder.
                    Select "Split Screen", "USB or SD" and "SYNC" on the "Play Files In A & B Folders" bar. Next, simply create 2 folders on your SD/USB and name them A and B. Load as many Videos, Photos or Audio files in each folder. The "A" folder contents will play on the HDMI A Output and Folder B will play on HDMI B. All files will play in alphanumeric order and will auto loop.
                    Important Tip #1: The files you load, MUST be the same length. Meaning that if the video you have in folder A is 1 minute and 12 seconds long, the same file in folder B must be 1 minute and 12 seconds long.
                    Important Tip #2: The VP92/VP92+ will search folder A and Folder B for files with the exact same name. Before transferring files from your computer we suggest creating the A & B folders first, load your files in each folder and then rename them. For Example: If your file names are Promo Right.mp4 and Promo Left.mp4, drag them to the A & B folder and then change them both to just Promo.mp4.

                      VP92/VP92+ Settings - Split Screen In Sync
                      Split Screen - Split 1 video to 2 Screens (IN SYNC - Using "Auto Crop") With USB/SD/SFTP/LAN

                      In this example we will show you how to split one piece content, IN SYNC on both screens. The example below shows the USB/SD selection, but the instructions are the same for SFTP or LAN, but instead of video to be split being on a USB/SD they will be in your SFTP/LAN Folder.
                      In this SYNC mode your video file(s) need to be loaded on your USB or SD without any additional files or folders. Simply chose if you would like your single video split in 1/2 vertically (shown below) or horizontally. When you click save, the player will create an A and B folder and then slice your file.
                      Important Tip #1: Make sure the file you use is proportional to your screens. For example the 2 TVs above are 1080p, meaning each screen is 1920 pixels x 1080 pixels. Since they are stacked on top of each other the horizontal size will stay the same at 1920. The vertical size would double to 2160 since we have 2 screens.
                      Important Tip #2: Slicing a video requires some processing time. The longer and larger the video file is, the longer it will take. For example: a 1 minute 1920 x 2160 file will take roughly 6 minutes to process. A 5 minute 3840x4320 video might take 20 minutes.

                        VP92/VP92+ Auto Crop Split Screen Settings
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